- 分 类:系统工具
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- 语言:中文
- 说 明:联合战舰-复仇者:经典海战策
- 系统:安卓
- 发 布:2022-11-17 21:28:45
《联合舰队》于9月荣获全球54个国家App Store推荐,并于11月正式开启亚洲通服,玩家可与港澳台地区及东南亚等国的玩家,通过不同战舰特***打造丰富战术,抵御外敌,为国家荣誉而战! 【历史名舰参战 海空潜全舰出击】 《联合舰队》对二战时期全球多达近百种的战舰进行了全面的拟真还原,战列舰、***舰、巡洋舰、航母、潜艇五大舰种尽数登场,全面实现以“海空潜”为主的立体化海战游戏体验,享受高度写实的海战激情。 在研发中运用***仿真物理技术使舰船在造型、设计数据甚至实战表现上全部都完美地趋近真实。 【新手友好 舰船更易获取】 当前版本中,游戏开放了美、日、英、德等著名战舰,其他各系舰船也将陆续推出,当前游戏中获取舰船的设定为玩家达到指定等级后可同时解锁对应等级的各类舰船,大大节省了升级过程,让玩家可以享受更纯粹的对战乐趣。 【操作便捷 人***化处理 】 《联合舰队》为玩家提供了自动与手动两种操作模式,自动模式中舰船将会随着玩家设定的方向前进,玩家可以将更多精力放在对手身上,而手动模式是为更加追求操作和个***化的船长准备的,操作过程较自动模式更为复杂,需要兼顾方向、瞄准、开炮等操作元素,但是随之而来的好处是玩家对战舰的控制更加细致,在混战中可以带来巨大的优势。 **战舰系统** 游戏提供了:巡洋舰、战列舰、***舰、航空母舰、潜艇等各具特色的战舰。每艘战舰都有各自的属***差异,包括攻击力、防御力、移动速度等。可以根据不同的战略需要,在战场上发挥自己的优势,以保证己方阵容尽可能克制敌方阵容。 战舰可以进行升级,获得战力提升。每艘战舰都有独特的作战方式,升级后将大幅提升战斗力。 **部件系统** 对应战舰系统,部件的适应类型也分为:装甲、主炮、辅炮、鱼雷、战机,几十种不同类型的战舰部件,令你仿佛置身重工厂,打造最强战舰的使命就交给你了! 通过收集,部件还可以进行强化、升阶,提升后将获得很大的属***提升。 【玩家评论】 测试期间就开始玩了,产品很不错,平时是军事迷,能操作和建立自己梦幻部队非常带感。 画面不错,里面 的战舰也是我熟悉的,自己指挥着这些军舰非常兴奋,游戏很好玩。活动非常多,希望游戏越来越好。 【联系我们】 您有任何疑问请在评论区留言,我们将及时与您取得联系。 In September, the United Fleet was awarded the App Store of 54 count***es in the world, and officially opened the Asian suit in November. Players can make ***ch tactics with the players of Hong Kong, Ma*** and Southeast Asia and other count***es in Southeast Asia to fight the foreign enemy and fight for the national honor through the characte***stics of different warships. [histo***c ship to sea and air submersible] The "United Fleet" has made a comprehensive true reduction to nearly 100 warships in the World War II du***ng the Second World War. Battleships, destroyers, cruisers, aircraft car***ers and subma***nes are all five major ships. They fully realize the three-dimensional sea battle expe***ence based on "sea and air" and enjoy a highly realistic sea war passion. In the research and development, the latest simulation physics technology has been used to perfect the ship's shape, design data and even actual combat performance. [novice f***endly ship is more accessible) The current version, the Games open the United States, Japan, B***tain, Germany and other famous warships, other ships will be launched in succession, the current game to get the ship set for the player to reach a specified level can unlock the corresponding level of the va***ous ships at the same time, greatly saving the process of upgrading, allowing players to enjoy a more pure fun of the war. Convenient and humanized operation The "United Fleet" provides two modes of automatic and manual operation for the player. In the automatic mode, the ship will move along with the player's direction. The player can put more energy on the opponent, and the manual mode is prepared for the more operational and personalized captain, and the operation process is more complex than the automatic mode. It is necessary to take into account the direction, aim, fire and other operational elements, but the following benefit is that the player is more careful in control of the warship, and can b***ng a great advantage in the battle. * * warship system * * * The game provides cruisers, battleships, destroyers, aircraft car***ers, subma***nes and other distinctive warships. Each warship has its own property differences, including attack, defense and speed. According to different strategic needs, we can give full play to our advantages on the battlefield so as to ensure that our own team can refrain from the enemy's lineup as far as possible. The warship can be upgraded to gain the strength of the war. Each warship has a unique way of operation, and will greatly enhance its combat effectiveness after upgrading. * * component system * * Corresponding to the warship system, the types of adaptation are also divided into: armored, main gun, auxiliary gun, torpedo, fighter, dozens of different types of warship components, make you seem to be in the heavy factory, the mission to build the strongest warship will be handed over to you! Through collection, parts can also be enhanced and upgraded, and great improvement will be achieved after upgrading. <